Guides and Forms

Guides and forms for download
Manager Referral Form
To start this process, the referring manager should complete the information on the Manager Formal Referral Form with the employee, and email to:
Client Consent Form
A consent form for clients to sign to make sure that they understand the key aspects of the service we are providing.
Access Personal Records Form
We cannot release your information without your written authority to do so except under exceptional and specific circumstances, such as situations of concern regarding self-harm, or harm to others. All information requests should then be emailed to
Authority to Disclose Information Form
AOD Portal - Manager's User Guide
Manager Assist
Managers today face complex situations and demands that impact their ability to manage their staff effectively
Manager Referral
This is a valuable tool for managers when they wish to implement a process involving their referral of an employee for independent support and assistance from an EAP Professional.