EAP Services have a range of resources to help you manage your workplace's wellbeing independently.
This month, we explore the connection between what we eat and how we feel, and the impact it can have on our mental health.
Other Services
Stay healthy with QuitHelp and Healthy Heart Coaching.
Learning Services offered by EAP
Our HR Consulting Group have developed an extensive range of training, career transition and HR programmes to meet the needs of our client organisations.
EAP Services already provides easy access to counsellors to help with any issues your staff may have, at home or at work. However, we understand that all-around wellbeing is a balance between both physical and mental health.
During times of change, your team may need specialised support from EAP Services to manage the process. This could be around supporting the steps of a restructuring process, building resilience in your workforce or providing support as they move into new roles.
Guides & Information
Grief is part of life for everyone. It’s not only about death; you also grieve if you lose your job, health, relationship, hopes and dreams, pets or anything else important to you.
Stress is a common part of everyday life with most people experiencing some form of stress in their day, and typically this is seen to be healthy if managed appropriately.
Managers today face complex situations and demands that impact their ability to manage their staff effectively
This is a valuable tool for managers when they wish to implement a process involving their referral of an employee for independent support and assistance from an EAP Professional.
Guides & Forms
To start this process, the referring manager should complete the information on the Manager Formal Referral Form with the employee, and email to:
A consent form for clients to sign to make sure that they understand the key aspects of the service we are providing.
We cannot release your information without your written authority to do so accept under exceptional and specific circumstances, such as situations of concern regarding self-harm, or harm to others. To assist us to maintain the appropriate level of privacy we have created the Request to Access Personal Records Form. You can print this form from the link below, or your professional can provide you with a copy and help you complete it. All information requests should then be emailed to
Your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is here to help with any work or life issues and to improve your health and general wellbeing.
Employee Assistance Programme is here to help with any work or life issues and to improve your health and general wellbeing.
EAP Services has in-person appointments available this week and online within 24 hours.
Your EAP (Employee Assistance Programme) is a professional and confidential service paid for by your employer.
Your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is here to help with any work or life issues and to improve your health and general wellbeing.
Your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is here to help with any work or life issues and to improve your health and general wellbeing.
Need additional resources? Contact us today
We have a large range of resources on hand that we can provide to help you or your organisation.