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Rongoā Māori Support Service

Rongoā Māori support is an additional service that your employer may choose to add to your EAP membership.

Ensuring people are happy and healthy at work is the core purpose of the EAP Services programme. Ensuring that people have access to cultural support is also important. Understanding different world views on health and wellbeing is vital and while Western medical customs have a place in the healing process, so does traditional medicine. Our Rongoā Māori Support Services is focused on providing Māori counsellors for Māori clients. If you are looking for more of a traditional approach to health and wellbeing we are able to provide Rongoā Māori Support Services.

Rongoā Māori is a traditional Māori medicine approach – a system of healing that is passed on through the ages. It comprised diverse practices and an emphasis on all dimensions of health. Rongoā can include but not limited to; herbal remedies, physical therapies such as massage and manipulation, spiritual healing, and supportive talking therapies.

To access Rongoā Māori in your rohe (region) please contact EAP Services National Call Centre on 0800 327 669 to book an appointment. The process for booking is the same as our other EAP service offerings. Ask for a Rongoā appointment, the Rongoa provider will work with you to confirm a suitable time to meet.